The first draft is finished!

This really is me

There is a reason I haven’t been churning out any posts recently, and it’s because I’ve been focussed on finishing my novel. It’s been a long road, sometimes smooth, often bumpy, as I squinted at my computer screen and squeezed out the words. How lovely it must be to write some people have said to me, and it is, don’t get me wrong, it’s a great creative thing to be making up a long piece of fiction. But it is hard work. I think I summed it up when my granddaughter gasped when I told her how long it had taken. I said, “I guess it’s a little like homework, it needs plotting, planning, and a lot of patience to work it all out.” My manuscript is not huge at 74,000, though enough I think, since it’s taken me two and a half years of my life to produce it.

Did I mention the tiredness? I guess that is the thinking part, especially at the end, which saw me wide awake at 2am, thinking of the words I’d written, and the ones I’d yet to write. The last two pages lie printed off beside me, though I should put them from view, as I’ve engaged a reader to go through the script, and I’m about to send it her way.

The hardest part for this book, was keeping my main character consistent, although that is necessary for all characters, this one was such hard work! Marjorie is quite a tyrant, and to get the reader onside, so they would keep reading, I needed to develop this character so they would find some compassion and admiration for her as the story developed. Perhaps even wish her well by the end. I won’t let too much out of the bag right now, as the work doesn’t stop here. After the reader returns the MS, I’ll need to review all her comments and decide which I will act upon.

Then, the MS will go to an editor, and again I’ll peruse all she has to say, and accept or reject suggested changes. Then, when the MS has been throughly viewed and reviewed by me and them, I’ll send it off to a publisher or two. Oh yes, that means more work, with form-filling, cover-letter writing, a synopsis, a short bio, and a writing history which needs to be included. If I became frustrated while writing the novel, this part is the hardest. True. Often there is a wait of months before hearing back from a publisher, so, I shall probably set things in place for possible self-publishing if the first route doesn’t come to pass.

Time for a break, to return to the other world that I know is out there. And I shall certainly let you know when the book is printed.

15 thoughts on “The first draft is finished!

  1. 74,000 words! Wow! Are you planning to add visuals, Vivienne? Also, is the character, Marjorie based on someone from a (famous) novel you’ve read, or a person you know/knew?

    PS: Love the dungarees!


    • Hi Jason, I am not planning to add visuals, for this one, though am thinking of a graphic novel for my next story. And, I can say the character Marjorie is not from a famous novel, although she is based on someone I knew.

      Love my dungarees too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations Vivienne! What an achievement! The road may have been long, but you now visual the finish. All the very best in the next phase of this exciting journey. But enjoy that couch for a little while. It looks awfully comfortable.


  3. Omigosh, well done, Vivienne! You did it. Fantastic! I’ve been there and I know that exhaustion. It’s so thorough, isn’t it? It took me literally 6 months to recover from putting out my trilogy in 2020. I wish you a restorative restful break while you wait to hear back from all the places it needs to go next.


    • Thanks Yvette, it is a good idea just to take the pressure off for a while. Though I’ll be at it again once the reader has finished with the MS. As you are well aware, there’s still a lot to get done after that stage. best wishes Vivienne


  4. Congratulations!! Finishing a whole draft of a novel is a HUGE accomplishment. I hope you’ve celebrated it!

    Looks like we’re on the same time table, novel-writing wise. I just finished my novel, and am re-reading now to make notes for edits. I’m hoping (fingers crossed) that I’ll get a manuscript out to agents by the end of this year, but goodness, what a process! ^_^


    • Hi Maggie, nice to meet you. It is a long process indeed readying the MS for publication. I look forward to hearing how you get on. I just sent my MS to the reader, and look forward to her response. All the best, Vivienne

      Liked by 1 person

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